Circular economy, the new concept for attaining sustainable consumption and production, will not be implemented without multisectoral and international cooperation. INNOWO, Circular Change, INCIEN Czechia, and INCIEN Slovakia are launching the International Circular Week this year to promote circular economy across countries. This International Circular Week will take place from 7 to 13 October 2019, and aims to engage all circular stakeholders in central Europe and beyond.
Last year Circular Week was held in Poland, this year it is going international and organizing a series of circular events simultaneously in other European countries. The organisers are engaging businesses, NGOs, local authorities to become partners or organizers of Circular Week 2019! The project coordinator, INNOWO, is gathering all initiatives and placing these on an online map of events (see below), featuring them in a publicly available calendar on the dedicated website..
Today no one needs to be convinced that environmental protection is a priority, but it is needed to show what different organizations can do to contribute to circular concept implementation. During the entire week and its culmination at an international congress, organisers will accustom consumers with actions they can take live a more sustainable life, and at the same time not to give up on its comfort.
More information ➡International Circular Week