
The European consortium gathered to carry out this project is composed by six organisations from four countries



EcoRes is a recognized consultancy active in circular economy and sustainable business model innovation in Belgium, applied to organizations and territories. EcoRes assists companies, territorial agencies and governmental bodies to implement sustainable policies and strategies. EcoRes offers a wide set of services related to studies and research, training and coaching activities on sustainability challenges and solutions. The organisation has a long reference list of coached companies on sustainable business strategy, ranging from the implementation of environmental management systems, to the setting up of innovative circular economy approaches.



The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – KIT, was established by the merger of the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and the University of Karlsruhe. With more than 6.000 researches and 26.000 students KIT combines the tasks of a German university with those of a research centre of the Helmholtz Association in the areas of research, teaching, and innovation. KIT assumes responsibility for contributing to the sustainable solution of the challenges that face the society, industry, and the environment. Engineering sciences, natural sciences, the humanities, and social sciences make up the scope of subjects covered by KIT. KIT’s research covers the complete range from fundamental research to close-to-industry, applied research and from small research partnerships to long-term large-scale research projects. Its Department of Building Lifecycle Management, engaged with research and teaching of the development and application of computational methods and rapids prototyping for the realization of integrated building lifecycle management, is directly involved in this project.



CENFIM – Home & contract furnishings cluster has the mission to contribute to improve the competitiveness of furniture producers and companies along all interiors value chain. It was created by furniture sector companies associations and public entities as a non-profit organization. It has 122 associated companies from the interior furnishings sector: furniture, carpentry, flooring, bathrooms, lighting and home textiles. CENFIM contributes to the member companies competitiveness improving their innovation and commercialisation capacities through promoting collaborative projects and providing training. The innovation activities of CENFIM are focused on three areas: digitization, circular economy and product design. In order to support member companies commercialization, CENFIM has created the greatest hotel interior marketplace, InteriHOTEL (, with annual editions in Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Tenerife and Málaga, the showrooms WEcontract in Barcelona and Madrid and the online platform

Vaasa University


University of Vaasa, with more than 5,000 students and 500 faculty members, educates and trains responsible leaders and experts for the needs of the future. The education and research is spanning from business studies, administration, and technology, to languages and communication. The Faculty of Business Studies and its department of Marketing, involved in this project, have expertise to use innovative pedagogical approaches and omnichannel methods such on-line courses, physical workshops and case studies in which the student design and develop products and services in close collaboration with companies in different industries, such as the furniture and woodworking sector.



Founded in 2009, AMUEBLA is a group of stakeholders working together to address needs in the furniture and habitat sector, representing the interests of more than 80 companies and over 2,500 employees. It is a non-profit association, characterized as a combination of companies, research and training centres involved in facilitating innovative practices and improving the competitiveness of its members, as well as defending its general business interests and promoting its projection and international visibility. AMUEBLA wants to be able to lead and support any initiative that promotes the growth of the furniture industry through, among other activities, the improvement of skills and competences of sector workers.



CETEM is a business association and training centre located in the south east of Spain. Created due to an initiative of private companies, CETEM aims at transferring any kind of innovation to industries, specially SMEs, actively contributing towards their socioeconomic development through consultancy services, Research and Development activities, and the arrangement of training programmes according to the industry needs. CETEM is a pioneer in Spain in ecodesign applied to the furniture sector and the use of sustainable materials. The Material Department of CETEM has been involved in several R&D projects with the aim to develop new sustainable products as resins, foams and textiles. In addition, the Electronic Department is in charge of the implementation of internet of things technology in the development of new smart products. CETEM is also expert on 3D printing and Rapid Prototyping technologies, with more than 20 years of experience in this field.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission – application number 2017-1-BE01-KA202-024752. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.